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Webinar 3: Evolution of school leadership in Africa: Lessons for future school leaders’ development

Investing in school leadership to enhance student learning could be a cost-effective policy solution that is rarely implemented in developing countries. Different studies have indicated that no school sustainably improves the quality of education without it. Strong leadership fosters a positive educational environment and drives academic success and holistic development among students.

Furthermore, drawing on the conclusions of an empirical review of research on school leadership, effective school leadership is critical for addressing the main challenges including the learning crisis in Africa, including unprepared students, poor teaching quality, weak school management, and a focus on educational inputs that do not drive learning.  

This webinar titled “Evolution of school leadership in Africa: Lessons for future school leaders’ development” aims to delve into the complexities and advancements in school leadership across the continent. The keynote presentation will focus on the article “Development of the Ethiopian School Leadership: Foundation, Self-dependence, and Historical Erratic Evolution.”

The article examines the historical trajectory of Ethiopian school leadership, tracing its origins from traditional educational practices to the establishment of the first principalship over a century ago. It outlines seven distinctive phases of evolution, including the replacement of expatriate staff by the Ethiopians, the initiation and subsequent reduction of principal preparation, and the eventual deprofessionalisation and emphasis on principal training.

The webinar will explore these themes and discuss how the lessons learned from Ethiopia’s experience in school leadership can inform the development of future school leaders across Africa. It will provide valuable perspectives for educators, policymakers, and anyone invested in the advancement of educational leadership on the continent.

Register for the webinar via Zoom.