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The African Centre for School Leadership is developed through multi- and single-country projects implemented by VVOB, in cooperation with relevant partners. Currently, several such projects have been initiated.

ACSL Foundation Phase Project  

Location:  Rwanda, Kenya, Ghana  Timing:  May 2023 – October 2024  Budget: 737,822.29 USD  Donor: Mastercard Foundation  Challenge/opportunity Governments in Africa have made great strides to ensure access to basic education. But ‘being in school’ does not equal ‘learning’, and the quality of education indeed remains a challenge. Effective school leadership is critical to addressing the underlying factors of the learning crisis impacting the Africa…

The GEM report background study: Research on school leadership competences in Sub-Saharan Africa 

Location: Ghana, Kenya, Zambia  Timing:  June 2023 – December 2023  Budget: 10,000 USD  Donor: Global Education Monitoring (GEM) Report UNESCO  Challenge/opportunities School leadership is recognised broadly as a key factor in enhancing student learning outcomes. Although the school leader does not interact directly with learners in the classroom, they play a big role in ensuring that the school learning environment is conducive to effective learning.&…

Leadership Communities of Practice in Early Childhood Education (ECE) in Ghana

Location: Ghana   Timing:  1 March 2023 – October 2024  Budget: 183,000 EUR Donor: Jacobs Foundation  Challenge/opportunities Quality ECE is critical for building a productive and competitive nation envisioned in Ghana’s Education Strategic Plan 2018-2030. With this vision, the ECE policy was developed to strengthen the ECE sub-sector to advance the physical, cognitive, psychosocial, and emotional growth of all 4-5-year-old children. However, several challenges …