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Leadership Communities of Practice in Early Childhood Education (ECE) in Ghana

Location: Ghana  

Timing:  1 March 2023 – October 2024 

Budget: 183,000 EUR

Donor: Jacobs Foundation 


Quality ECE is critical for building a productive and competitive nation envisioned in Ghana’s Education Strategic Plan 2018-2030. With this vision, the ECE policy was developed to strengthen the ECE sub-sector to advance the physical, cognitive, psychosocial, and emotional growth of all 4-5-year-old children. However, several challenges are hindering the achievement of the expected results, such as fragmented coordination for quality ECE implementation and inadequate teacher professional development leading to poor understanding and use of the play-based curriculum.  

Given these challenges, and the significant work underway to scale play-based teacher training nationally in Ghana, engaging leadership within the ECE system is critical to the success of ECE implementation. 


To set up ECE Leadership Communities of Practice (LCoP), to create learning societies in which key members and leaders within the learning community develop shared understanding and insights, as well as a clear commitment and leadership in support of play-based ECE teaching and learning in Ghana. 


  • VVOB – education for development
  • Sabre Education 
  • Right to Play  
  • AfriKids 

Alignment with the ACSL focus areas 

  • 1. Policy ​☒​
  • 2. Practice  
  • 3. Research  
  • 4. Knowledge mobilisation, advocacy, communication, and sector Coordination ​☒​