Recognizing the vital role that school leadership plays in enhancing educational outcomes, student achievement and wellbeing, VVOB – education for development in collaboration with partners initiated the “African Centre for School Leadership” to enhance effective school leadership in Africa. To lay the foundation for this Centre, an exploratory scoping review and a consensus-building study were conducted. These studies revealed a significant gap in school leadership policy development across many African countries, confirmed by a mapping exercise in Rwanda, Kenya, and Ghana.
To address this gap, the Centre is collaborating with governments on the development of school leadership policies, standards, and guidelines.
This framework provides evidence-based insights for developing school leadership policies in Africa, which together give guidance for the development of national policies to strengthen school leadership in Africa. The framework focuses on conceptualizing school leadership in the African context, defining roles and responsibilities, competences, standards, and assessment; school leaders’ career stages, certification and licensing of school leaders, removing gender barriers in school leadership, and professional organization of school leaders. A consultative workshop with policymakers and experts validated the framework, and policy briefs will be developed as the next step.
Download the framework